Waterwise Turf is an established family business growing and supplying quality turf to the Mid North Coast for domestic and commercial use. We are exclusive licensed growers for Kings Pride Premium Soft Leaf Buffalo for the Mid North Coast. We offer a reliable service with a variety of turf to suit your needs. Contact us for a free quote to supply only, or supply and install your new lawn.
Lawn & Turf Supplies
Landscaping your garden can add value to your property while also benefiting the environment. Selecting the right turf variety for your environment is essential. We can advise you the best turf for your project. Save money by purchasing your freshly cut lawn & turf supplies directly from the grower.
Turf Installation Service
The way that turf is installed can have a huge impact on the presentation and look of your property. Our experienced staff will ensure that your turf is installed correctly and that you are completely satisfied with the final result. Be sure that your lawn will stand the test of time and that it will be the envy of your neighbours.
Some Quick Facts About Turf
- A turfed yard can increase the value of your property by 10%
- 5m2 of turf produces enough oxygen for one person for a day!
- Turf helps maintain a balanced ecosystem – it provides a home and breeding ground for some animals and insects.
- Lawn filters the pollutants from rainwater so that a cleaner form of water runs through into our creeks and rivers.
- Lawn provides a safe playing area for children and creates a relaxing setting to promote harmony
(02) 6553 1017
0427 011 713
36 Zulu Lane
Mondrook NSW 2430
About Our Turf Supplies
We offer a range of turf varieties that are well suited to our climate on the Mid North Coast. Our turf is used for sports fields, home lawns, public spaces and golf courses and we can cater for projects of all sizes.
Landscaping your garden can add value to your property while also benefiting the environment. Selecting the right turf variety for your project is essential. We can advise you the best turf for your project. Save money by purchasing your freshly cut lawn & turf supplies direct from local experienced growers on the Mid North Coast.
We grow and supply the following varieties.
Kings Pride Premium Soft Leaf Buffalo (licensed)

Kings Pride is a superior soft leaf buffalo lawn compared to others on the market today. In trials Kings Pride was shown to be superior in shade, have less thatch so easier to mow, has greater recovery, uses less water and maintains winter colour better. It looks better and is sure to outperform or match any other buffalo turf. This hard-wearing turf will save you on maintenance.
Based on the National Turfgrass Evaluation Trial results, Kings Pride Buffalo outperformed its main competitors in seven out of ten of the categories - low thatch, winter growth, root depth, low nitrogen requirements, winter colour, low seed head production and recovery.It also equalled or outperformed its competitors for wear, water efficiency and 50% shade. For a copy of the full results see the Horticulture Australia (HAL) Website.
Turf Characteristics
- Excellent shade tolerance
- Recovers quickly from wear and tear
- Low water usage
- Drought hardy
- Ideal for domestic and commercial lawns
- All year round vibrant colour and excellent soft feel
- Superior look and covering
- Mow low, less thatch, less damage
- Less seed heads
- Safely treat with all registered chemicals at label rates
Soft Leaf Shademaster Buffalo

Soft Leaf Shademaster Buffalo is a hardy lawn and is low allergenic. It grows well in sunny areas and because of its broad soft leaf it can tolerate areas of 60%-80% shade. Shade Master has a thick ground cover which helps prevent the growth of unwanted weeds. It is an extremely hardy turf and is able to tolerate a wide range of conditions and situations, with excellent shade tolerance and a vigorous rate of growth.
Shademaster is ideal as an economical buffalo lawn giving you the opportunity to have a Soft Leaf Buffalo that recovers rapidly from wear and tear at an affordable price.
Turf Characteristics
- Can handle heavy amounts of traffic
- It has excellent shade tolerance due to its large broad leaf structure
- It will go into dormancy in colder regions, but recovers quickly early spring
- Excellent salt tolerance which makes it suitable for coastal regions
- Hypo allergenic

Kikuyu is a good, hardy, low maintenance lawn, it grows vigorously in the summer months therefore this variety of turf recovers well from wear and tear. Most suitable for high traffic areas. Kikuyu has best results in full sun and does not grow well in the shade.
Turf Characteristics
- Will grow in most soil types
- Excellent turf for playing fields, schools, footpaths and backyards
- It will go into dormancy in colder regions, but recovers quickly early spring
- Very strong grass and is soft to sit on
- Good for erosion control

Couch is a fine-leafed lawn that is most suited to sunny areas and can also handle a position with 10%-20% shade. It can tolerate wear and tear well and is also quite disease resistant. It is a Fine textured grass with a very dense growth pattern making it soft and comfortable to feel. If fertilised, couch can retain colour well in winter.
Couch is ideal for areas that receive a high amount of wear and tear from traffic, it is also suitable for council footpaths, walkways and sporting surfaces.
Turf Characteristics
- Hardwearing and self repairing
- Super fine rolling texture
- Good drought tolerance
- Grows best in full sun situations
- Good resistance to disease and weeds
- Tolerates a wide range of soils and readily adapts to different environments
How to Prepare Your Site
Having a good quality soil for turf to establish and grow is extremely important for the long term health and appearance of your new lawn. Proper site preparation and soil improvement will help your new turf develop a healthy root system that will make the lawn more drought resistant and a more efficient water user.
1. Clear The Area
Start your site preparation by removing sticks, stones, building rubble and existing grasses. This can be done manually (depending on the area) or by hiring a bobcat or small excavator if necessary. All existing weeds and grasses should be removed or sprayed out and allowed to die prior to any further ground preparation.
2. Grade & Level The Site
Use a bobcat and/or hand tools to level out the area to be turfed and then spread the topsoil (see below) as appropriate ensuring that the soil is shaped so that the water will drain away from your yard and away from building foundations.
Finish the soil about 35-40mm (1-1.5 inches) below paths and edges as this will bring the turf up close to level with the top of the pathways and edges.
3. Add Topsoil To The Area
In most cases it is necessary to add soil to not only level and grade the site, but also to provide a higher quality soil for your turf to establish in.
The ideal soil depth is 10-15cm (4 to 6 inches) but it is not normally economic to remove the existing soil and replace again with topsoil. Builders often leave a site roughly levelled with enough depth to add an average of 2.5-5cm (1-2 inches) across the yard.
To calculate the amount of soil to purchase, multiply the total area by the depth in metres e.g. If you have an area of 100m2 and require 5cm of soil multiply 100 x 0.05 = 5m3 of soil.
4. Apply Starter Fertiliser
It is recommended to apply a quality starter organic fertiliser. To avoid root injury to the newly established turf, the fertiliser should be raked into the topsoil if time permits.
Soil pH should be between 5.5 and 6.5 as this helps the turf take up the available nutrients in your soil.
5. Measure & Order Turf Supplies
Measure your lawn area accurately in square metres, or you can contact Waterwise Turf for assistance with measuring. If you have an odd shaped area, you may need to divide the area into sections of regular shapes (i.e. circle, rectangle or triangular areas) and add them together. We suggest you add a small extra amount to your final calculations to cover wastage and cutting in of edges. Once you have your measurements, give us a call and order your turf.
We also offer a free service for measuring and quotations. Please submit a request online or contact us by phone if you would like some assistance.
6. You are now ready to install your new lawn!
“Please note that the information provided is meant as a guide only. We endeavour to provide quality advice, however, results may be dependant on individual conditions and circumstances.
Lawn Installation Service
The way that turf is installed can have a huge impact on the presentation and look of the site. Our experienced staff will ensure that your turf is installed correctly and that you are completely satisfied with the final result. Be sure that your lawn will stand the test of time and that it will be the envy of your neighbours.
Our specialist staff will lay your new lawn soon after the delivery of your turf, ensuring to cut neatly around edges or irregular spots. Once we have completed the installation of your new turf, we will use a heavy duty roller on your lawn to maximise root contact with the soil and give it a polished finish. All you will need to worry about is the maintenance of the lawn once it has been installed. Our installation service does not include any ground or site preparation unless by prior arrangement.
Tips on DIY Turf Installation
Want to install your own lawn? Here are some handy tips on how to achieve professional results.
1. Firstly, it is essential that you clear your site from objects, old turf and weeds to obtain the best possible result. It is also advisable to level the area with a rake. Alternatively hire an experienced contractor (such as a bobcat operator) if you have a large area to cover. See our tips on How to prepare your site
2. Run one row of turf as a border around the edge of the prepared area. It frames the area to be turfed and helps minimise the need for cutting rolls up against fences and buildings.
3. Begin laying the turf along the longest straight-line, such as a driveway or footpath. For steep sites, rolls should ideally be laid running across the slope if possible.
4. Butt and push edges and ends tightly, avoid leaving gaps or overlaps.
5. Stagger the joins like brickwork using a large knife or spade to cut rolls. A pair of secateurs also works well to cut turf rolls.
6. Avoid leaving small pieces on the outside edges as they will not retain moisture and can dry out.
7. It is absolutely critical that you water turf in very well until the roots have grown well into the soil. If it dries out, it will stress and die. We recommend that if possible, sprinklers connected to an automatic tap timer(s) be used to ensure frequent watering during the initial week(s) of establishment. We have found that automatic timers set to operate for 5 minutes every 2-4 hours beneficial to the initial establishment of turf but be sure to switch over to infrequent deep watering practices once turf is established to encourage deeper root growth.
8. For first time mowing, gently grab hold of the turf and pull upwards. If the lawn comes up then leave mowing until it holds tight. When mowing for the first time, just give it a light mow on a high setting and progressively lower the mower to the desired mow height. The recommended mowing height for Kings Pride is 30-45mm with the upper height for Winter and the lower height for Summer.
Frequently Asked Questions About Turf
1. What do I need to do in preparation of turf installation?
If you are laying your own turf or have opted to have it laid the site must be properly prepared before the turf arrives. If you are unable to lay your turf straight away it will need to be kept in the shade and regularly watered to stop it from drying out. Read our Turf Site Preparation for more information.
2. How do I lay my new turf?
See our Tips on DIY Turf Installation
3. How often should I water my lawn?
Once your new turf has been laid you will need to completely soak the area to wet both the turf and the soil underlay beneath it. During the hot summer months this may need to be done as the turf is being laid down.
Your new lawn will need to be watered ideally as a minimum morning and night everyday for the first week and every second day for the next two weeks. More frequent watering may be required during early establishment to ensure turf does not dry out before roots get a chance to establish in the new soil. Sprinklers hooked up to automatic tap timers are great to ensure regular watering during initial
4. When can I start using my freshly turfed area?
Light traffic should not cause harm to your new turf, however heavy human and pet traffic should be kept to a minimum during the first 3 weeks to minimise risk of disturbing/displacing turf and allow the roots to establish in the ground.
5. When should I cut my new grass?
Your new lawn should be ready for its first mow within a few weeks (subject to season) following the installation. Test that the turf has taken hold by gently grabbing hold and pulling upwards. Start mowing on a high setting and progressively lower the mowing height until the desired level is achieved.
6. When should I fertilise my lawn?
Fertilising a new lawn should be done following the first or 2nd mow and watered in to avoid fertiliser burn. Once your lawn is well established fertilising at the end of autumn and beginning of spring should help to maintain a healthy well presented lawn.
7. When Can I Topdress?
The best time to top dress your lawn is early spring to early summer when turf is actively growing. The main reason to top dress your lawn is to level out small indentations in the lawn, but you can also apply top dressing to assist keeping moisture when turf is being established during hot weather (noting black sand will absorb heat and can burn your grass) or every 2-3 years as a part of a general lawn maintenance program.
It is recommended to mow your lawn fairly low, spread an organic fertiliser lightly and water the fertiliser in well prior to top dressing.
The recommended application rate for top dressing is about 10mm (or 1cm) deep. Spread the top dressing over the lawn and rake evenly and lightly. Top dressing should not be applied too thick to smother the turf. Make sure the top of the turf is still showing through the top dressing. Top dressing should be watered in well.